The Lubec, Maine coast awaits you!
Motel open year 'round on Route 189

Come stay with us
Welcome to our family-owned, Lubec motel where our goal is to become known as the "Best Motel in Maine". We are proud of our clean, comfortable accommodations and will serve you with genuine, Down East hospitality. Read a few of our guests' comments and let us know if we can help as you discover the area.
— Your hosts, Heather & Glen

Breakfast to start your day
Before you head out for the day, stop in the motel office and indulge in a freshly-baked continental breakfast, including yogurt and fresh fruit. about our breakfasts»

Explore the Lubec region
Events and activities happen during all four seasons here, so you'll have plenty to do during your stay. Our motel is within driving distance of annual festivals, special events, outdoor activities, and close to the bridge to Campobello Island. about the Lubec region»
Note from a guest...
A group of 30 (all members of an outdoor club) spent a weekend at the Eastland and hosts Glen & Heather could not have been any more warm and welcoming. From opening up their backyard for an evening BBQ, to setting up chairs, fixing us a real early breakfast of homemade muffins and fruit so we could get on the trail early, plugging in a freezer for our water bottles and ice cream, and rearranging lawn furniture - they went way over the traditional nine yards! Our experience was so wonderful the group voted to return next year!" — Nancy
Carabasset Valley, Maine